Saturday, February 28, 2009
27th February 2009, DEFINITELY a day to remember

Well for starters, we had more latecomers than usual. But whatev, skipping that.

It was seriously an awesome day yesterday... I had so much fun and nervous adrenaline that all pretty much seemed to work out quite nicely for the whole day.

Skipping school, cause school is boring and average... EXCEPT FOR PURE LIT. Cause it was Ms Clara Lock's last day of teaching the most awesomest class in the whole school - Sec 4 Pure Lit class. DD: She was so nice, I liked herrr! Plus she did teach us quite a thing and two about unseen.


But we will be seeing her around more, in Term 2 that is. But no matter, we have a confidante to go to now. :D Camwhoring in lit class is uberfun.

Anyway moving on to DRAMA, superfantasticallyfreakingly fun! We did some pretty cool poses on ladders and camwhored even more. We did new and improved group scenes on the ladders and it looks so cool! Plus we posed on the ladders and we looked amazing, fo sho'.

But the best part was towards the end, when (we were late for debate) we had to chase Nazry up and down the ladders like some zombie-cat-wolf-crazy-animal-retards... And Shu Xin and Wei Zhe did their seductive thang on the back of the ladders. It was freakishly funny...

Then ran down to the foyer, changed and prepared final preparations for debate. Was nervous and very disoriented as usual, but debate coach, Berton (or as I call him "B") gave me some encouraging words... and it made me realize how stupid I was acting... Geez, I got so worked up over NOTHING!? Well, that was dumb. But thanks, B, your advice seriously helped me loads. Gotta find a way to get rid of this angst... Teenage angst. Hah. : ]

But the better part was when Wei Zhe, Ian, Anuar and the supporters bought back Mac's. And of course, being sec 4 and graduating and all, WE JUST HAD TO HAVE A PICNIC IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PARADE SQUARE, AROUND THE ORCHID IN THE MIDDLE! One of the 10 stupid thhings we must do before we graduate, one was joining OP Idol, one was having a picnic in the parade square, one was ruining reputation. Incidently, we've done 3 so far.

After dinner, taxied down to SJC at Seng Kang. Registered and wandered around the school until it was our time for debate. Debate went alright, I stuttered here and there, sped up here and there... But I managed to finish my speech and be done with it in time - 5:05. Jumping forward to results, I seriously thought the Prop was going to win because they were quite good, but when they announced that unaminous decision that the Opp should win and 1st opp speaker was the best speaker...

I was surprised for one. Because when they announced that, I was stoning and thinking about school stuff, and when it finally sank into my brain, it was 3 seconds later. Goddamn, I'm slow. But I was pretty thrilled and relieved that it's over and yes, that we won.

But, a wonderful job done for Hai Sing Catholic debate team! You guys seriously did awesome. SERIOUSLY.

Woo, I'm just glad we did well.

... But the aftermath of the debate was great as well. Learnt about what we could do to improve, and saw Michael, one of the instructors from the Debate camp Azira, Charlotte, Harkiran and I went to. Glad to know he remembered us... Oh and Gavin's friend, Joel Lim (met him at Debate camp, he was in my group), and he remembered me as well, too bad I didn't see him though. Damn, should have gone to find him.

The funnier part was when we were going back to the MRT. For one, we didn't know where the hell we were and when we did, we missed the buss 119, that took us back to the MRT. So we walked, and laughed and talked about hijacking cars along the way, and sang womanizer. When we did reach the MRT, we jaywalked at a pedestrain crossing, seeing only one car was coming... Turns out it was a police car... And we freaked, but it was hilarious, walking down the walkway, pretending to be from another school.

Took 965 home with Zi Peng, Wei Zhe, Gavin, Ben, Omar, Ian and Anuar. The rest went their separate ways. Once reaced Yishun, had supper with Wei Zhe, Gavin, Zi Peng and Anuar. Then 812-bused home, came back, contemplated about some stuff before going to sleep. It was 1 am plus by then.

Woke up, and here we are. It was definitely a good day.

So, anyway, my personal thanks to (search your name here):
Zhi Qing, Charlotte, Azira, Mrs Rachel Lee, Harkiran, Anuar, Wei Zhe, Zi Peng, Ben, Omar, Gavin, Ian and B(erton). [if i left ourt any names, sorry]

Yup. This week was a nice one. Except Monday. Mondays suck.

"An empty shell, I used to be. Shadow of my life was hangin over me. A broken man without a throne. Won't even stand the devils dance to win my soul. Beggin, beggin you, put your loving hand out, baby. Beggin, beggin you put your loving hand out darlin'."

- -8<- - - - WELCOME to the world of the PLASTIC BEACH - - - ->8- -

a DARK beach with a BLACK view ; it was 10:45 AM

"When the paralytic dreams that we all seem to keep. Drive on engines till they weep. With future pixels in factories far away."

Monday, February 23, 2009
What to Sing?

A 208 question blog survey. From Zhi Qing's blog. ... Well, this should be interesting. : ]
Let's go.

1. What is your full name?
Neo Yu Jia Michelle

2. nickname?
Mic, Neo, Mesh, Rulelezz, L., Liang.

3. bday?
5th April 1993.

4. Age
16 in 43 days.

5. Sex?

6. Social Security?

7. Where were you born?
In a hospital... I think.

8. Where you live now?

9. Zodiac sign?

10. What grade are you in and what school do you attend?
Sec 4 in Orchid Park Secondary School.

11. Siblings and their ages?
Brother, 19 this year.

12. do you get along?
... Sometimes.

13. Pets?

14. Righty or Lefty?

15. bedtime?
Ranges from 9 pm to the next morning.

16. Hair color?

17. Eye color?
Dark brown.

18. Do you wear contacts or glasses?

19. Do you have any piercings?
Yep I do. Ear piercings, wanna get lip piercings though.

20. Tattoos?
Nope... Maybe later?

21. Scars?
Oooh, I dare you to count. It's more than 20, TRUST ME.

22. Height?
156 cm. Sad, right?

23. Do you wear any rings?

24. What shoes do you wear?
Mostly Converse.

25. Drove a car?
Arcade, many times. Real car, once.

26. Met someone new?
Noo, not really no.

27. Done laundry?

28. Cried?
Who hasn't?

29. Wore a skirt?
Required in school.

30. How are you today?
Other than a rough and edgy morning, it's awright.

31. Wearing?
Orange Team SG shirt and shorts.

32. Thinking about?
What song should I sing for OP Idol.

33. What does your hair look like at the moment?
Damp, emo-ish as always.

34. What song are you listening to right now?
Disenchanted - My Chemical Romance

35. What was the last thing you ate and/or drank?
Dinner [rice, veg, fish, soup] and water... :D

36. How is the weather right now?
Humid... Little bit cooling.

37. Last person u talked to on the phone?
Zhi Qing and that was yesterday night.

38. Watching?

39. What time is it?
8:38 PM.

*****DO YOU BELIEVE IN ******

40. [yourself] No.
41. [friends] Yup.
42. [best friends of the opposite sex] No doubt.
43. [santa claus] Never believed in him.
44. [tooth fairy] No more.
45. [angels] And Demons? YES!
46. [ghosts] Definitely.
47. [aliens] Perhaps.
48. [God] I'm agnostic. He's there, but I just don't believe in Him.

*******MORE ABOUT YOU!*******

49. [what are the last four digits of ur phone number] 3293
50. [Do you like the person who sent this to you] Suuureee, ZQ's awright. :D
51. [how do you eat an Oreo] I just eat it dammit.
52. [If you were a crayon what color would you be] Blood Red.
53. [Have you ever almost died] Countless occasions.
54. [What's the best advice ever given to you] "Let go."
55. [Have you ever won any special award] ... Academically-wise yes.
56. [Do you like to dance] Yes. And I shouldn't. XD
57. [Worst sickness you've ever had] Stomach flu.
58. [What's the stupidest thing you have ever done] ... Um. I've done many stupid things that are in par with each other.
59. [What's the next CD you are going to buy] I don't know... Maybe a movie.
60. [What sport you hate the most] ... I don't hate any sports really.
61. [Place for a dream house] An apartment loft in a city.
62. [How many kids do you want to have] ZE to the RO. People like me aren't supposed to have kids, I'll unintentionally raise them to be failures at so many things.
63. [Have you ever sprained/broken/fractured a bone] Yup. Not too serious though.
64. [Who do you tell your dreams to] My friends, my family... Huttson.
65. [What are you most scared of] A lotta things, but I'm tackling them.
66. [How many tv's do you have in your house] 3. 1's broken, don't bother.
67. [Do you have your own tv?] Nope.
68. [do you have your own phone line] My handphone... :D
69. [do you sleep with a stuffed animal] Mago and my little pillow. ♥
70. [Are you shy] Sometimes.
71. [Are you outgoing] Most of the time.
72. [Who is the loudest friend you have] Charlotte, no doubt.
73. [Who is the quietest friend you have] Kim Chye! :D
74. [Who looks the worst in the morning] I don't know, I've never seen how my friends look in the morning... Probably those with long hair.
75. [Who's the messiest eater] ... We all can eat in a civilised manner when we want to.
76. [Who's the slowest eater] Azira, for good digestion.
77. [Who's the bossiest] Zhi Qing. XD
78. [Who is the 'mom' outta your friends] ... Azira.
79. [who are the top 3 hottest guys/girls u know] I don't know anyone who's hot... 'cept maybe Chris...
80. [who's the weirdest] Wei Zhe.
81. [who is the funnest] Charlotte / Wei Zhe / Nazry.
82. [who do you go to for advice] ... Everybody! :D
83. [who do you think about most when you're not happy] Huttson. The little fella cheers me up.
84. [who do you cry with] Either by myself or with Huttson.
85. [what's the best feeling in the world] When you've done something you knew you could NEVER excel at.
86. [when's the last time you cried] Not too long ago.
87. [is cheerleading a sport] ... Like anyone cares.
88. [How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop] I don't know? ... 12?
89. [Which came first the chicken or the egg] Definitely the chicken.
90. [Root Beer or Dr. Pepper] Root Beer.
91. [vanilla or chocolate] Both.
92. [Love or lust] Love. But lust's not to bad too. XD No.
93. [silver or gold] Gold.
94. [Have you ever gone skinny dipping] Nuuuu.
95. [What's your favorite color] Red.
96. [What's your favorite band/singer] MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE / GERARD WAY! ♥♥♥
97. [What do you dream about] ... Random stuff.
98. [Favorite song] West Coast Smoker - Fall Out Boy.
99. [Do you like to sing in the shower] Yes.
100. [Had an imaginary friend] Yup.
101. [Wanted to "hook up" with a friend] Ew, no.
102. [Cried during a movie] Yup.
103. [Had a crush on a teacher] ... Once.
104. [What is the first thing you think about when you wake up in the morning] ... huuurrrrhhuhhherrrr. I'm serious. I'm tired.


105. [Sleep on your back, stomach or side] Mostly it's back and stomach.
106. [Adidas, Nike, or Reeboks] ... New Balance.
107. [Croutons or Bacon Bits] Bacon Bits! :D
108. [2 doors or 4 (on a car)] 2, more stylish.
109. [Bridges or Tunnels] Bridges, easier for suicide.
110. [One pillow or two?] Two, why not.
111. [Salt or butter flavored popcorn] Butterr. :D
112. [Fizzy or still water] Still water.
113. [Red wine or white wine] Red wine, more ... refined.

*****Word Association - (1st Thing That Comes To Mind)*****

114. [Rubber Gloves] Some 'clinic' where doctors kill patients.
115. [Disney Character] Wall-E. :D
116. [Fast Food place] McDonald's.
117. [Board Game] Monopoly.
118. [Rock] My Chemical Romance's Famous Last Words.
119. [Blue] Sky.
120. [Wet] Water.
121. [Cry] Your heart out.
122. [Peanut Butter] and JELLY TIME!
123. [Hay] Hey Girlfriend!
124. [Paper] Aeroplanes.
125. [Wood] Carve.
126. [Yellow] Orchid Park...
127. [Laugh] Clown.
128. [Ugly] Life.
129. [Happy] The Comedian. HAH WATCHMEN!

******YOU AND LOVE******

130. [Do you believe in love] I believe it.
131. [Do you have a girlfriend or a boyfriend] Nope.
132. [do you have a crush] Used to.
133. [who is your crush] C... Should be obvious who he is by now.
134. [are you sending this to your crush] He already knows, so who cares?
135. [do you believe in love at first sight] Perhaps.
136. [What song do you want played at your wedding] Anything My Chemical Romance.
137. [Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with] Huttson.
138. [Do you find yourself attractive] Well, for one I'm not that bad-looking like the poor people with tumors and skin conditions. And even they look better than me.
139. [What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex] The HAIR.
140. [are you too shy to ask someone out] Yesyesyes.

*****When was the last time you...*****

141. [Took a shower] 2 hours ago.
142. [Watched Bambi] ... That was a long time ago and I didn't pay any attention whatsoever to that damn movie.
143. [Got a real letter] ... Last year.
144. [Wished upon a star] Was a while ago.
145. [Asked someone for forgiveness] ... I don't remember.
146. [Hugged someone] This morning.
147. [Kissed someone] This morning, Huttson! :D
148. [Ate something] Couple hours ago.
149. [Called someone] ... I forgot.

*******What is your...*******

150. [Good luck charm] ... Myself! And Huttson. :D
151. [Bedroom like] Simple, cosy...
152. [Favorite Breakfast food] I don't eat breakfast, but when I do Museli and milk's good.
153. [Favorite lunch food] Rice...
154. [Best thing that happened to you today] ... To receive an invitation letter... But giving it was the worst.

*****What do you think about the following*****

155. [Abortion] Well, better lose a child than bring in an unwanted child and abuse him from there.
156. [Homosexuality] Well... People are entitled to love whoever they want.
157. [Rap] It's hardcore baby!
158. [Classical] It's sweet and boring... at times.
159. [Oldies] Not for me.
160. [Swing] It's fun!

**********PICK ONE: THIS OR THAT**********

161. [lights on/off] Off. Save electricity.
162. [sun or rain or snow] RAIN! :D
163. [mickey D's (McDonalds) or BK (burger king)] BK.
164. [do you like scary movies or happy movies better] Both are good.
165. [backstreet boys or NSYNC] ... I choose MCR.
166. [on the phone or in person] Depends on the situation.
167. [summer or winter] Winter.
168. [chocolate or white milk] Chocolate milk.
169. [CD or tape] CD.
170. [hugs or kisses] Hugs.
171. [cake or pie] PIE!
172. [cats or dogs] DOGS!
173. [mud or jello wrestling] Meh, screw the rules. BOTH in a ring! :D
174. [skiing or boarding] Skiing.
175. [day or night] Night.
176. [sunset or sunrise] Sunset.
177. [diamond or pearls] Neither. I prefer stainless steel dogtags.

*******YOUR FAVES*******

178. [candy] Chocolate with nuts.
179. [Beverage] Coke.
180. [cartoon characters] I have so many from comics and graphic novels! ... Fine, Hazel and Cha Cha from TUA and Rorschach ♥ from Watchmen.
181. [sport(s)] Running and softball.
182. [Song] Meh, I'll give another one. Life and Death in Space - The Blackout.
183. [favorite actor or actress] ... I don't have one actually.
184. [Favourite movie] The Dark Knight, Benjamin Button...
185. [tv show] ... I don't actually have one.
186. [Favourite food] A lot of stuff...
187. [ice cream] Ben & Jerry's.
188. [subject] Maths, pure lit.
189. [shampoo] I have none.
190. [favourite month] April. It's so eventful. : ]
191. [favourite number] 54.
192. [favourite person to talk to online] KARNAN. :D

******HAVE YOU EVER******

193. [cut your hair yourself] Yes. I was young and stupid.
194. [been on stage] A lotta times.
195. [Ever thought an animated character was hot] ... Yes. XD
196. [kept a secret from everyone] Who hasn't?
197. [been hurt emotionally] More than I'd like.
198. [been in a car accident] Nope.
199. [put a body part on fire for amusement] ... Maybe another time.
200. [drank] Nope.
201. [smoked] Nope.
202. [broke the law] ... Yes.
203. [ran from the cops] Nope.
204. [made yourself cry to get outta trouble] I think I have when I was a kid.
205. [tried to kill yourself] Yup.
206. [made your self throw up] One time, I needed it.
207. [ever been in love] Hahahahaha. Love and me? Rivals.
208. [loved someone so much it made you cry] Ah ha, Gerard Way touched my heart but he never made me cry... Unless I meet him then we'll see from there.


I'm wondering, for OP Idol. Should I sing I Don't Love You or Disenchanted? Hm. I'm leaning towards I Don't Love You... Ah screw it, I'm singing it.

"Well, I’m not paralyzed but I seem to be struck by you. I want to make you move, because you’re standing still. If your body matches what your eyes can do, you’ll probably move right through me on my way to you."

- -8<- - - - WELCOME to the world of the PLASTIC BEACH - - - ->8- -

a DARK beach with a BLACK view ; it was 8:29 PM

"When the paralytic dreams that we all seem to keep. Drive on engines till they weep. With future pixels in factories far away."

Saturday, February 14, 2009
Princess Body Detergent, love is FUNNEE

So I went to Amanda's chruch for Valentines' Day Dinner. Like I did a year ago. And I gotta say, it was a pretty nice experience all over again. To listen to stories of successful and failed tries at courting your crush...

Somehow it's funnier then last year. Maybe because this year had Guitar Hero, Indian "I love you" phrases and 'Transformers' actions. (It was hilarious! :D)

Anyway it was a good night, not the best and worst Valentine's Day I've had so far. But this year I notice more couples. Hmm? Some trend's probably coming up. Oh well, love's just a mere distraction people try to delude themselves with, just to try to forget the stress and pain they're so associated with. Then again, that's my own opinion... Flawed as anyone else's.

But since I'm such a stupid and ignorant cur, I might as well just pour out my heart and let out all my frustrations of today. Not the first one, and it definitely won't be the last one. But it's one of the last.

Let's wind the clocks back a year. Today is 14th February 2008, I should have just said to you out loud that I like you. Would have given me some peace, but meh, human ignorance, what can I do about it? Today is now 14th February 2009, and thank God I don't anymore. It's not going to consume me. Not anymore.

Anyway, before Zhi Qing and I headed off to the church dinner, we watched Valkyrie with Anuar. Pretty good conspiracy movie... And yes, Tom Cruise, SPOILER: we saw the blast too. Anyway, it had quite a good plotline to it... After the movie, we wanted to give a standing ovation and scream "Hail Hitler" but we suspected we'd get beaten up by 30% or so of the movie-watchers.

And later, Zhi Qing and I found her long-lost bus mate in the MRT. Tiny, tiny Singapore world...

"Say goodbye, and take both of my hands. You've danced your last dance, why don't you dance it for us? Take this dance as our last goodbye. You've danced your last dance, why don't you dance it for us? Whoa, whoa, whoa… It’s been too long and your never coming back. It’s no good saying sorry. We let this burn a little longer, until we grow stronger, until we fall apart."

- -8<- - - - WELCOME to the world of the PLASTIC BEACH - - - ->8- -

a DARK beach with a BLACK view ; it was 11:44 PM

"When the paralytic dreams that we all seem to keep. Drive on engines till they weep. With future pixels in factories far away."

Pull No Punches

Oh look, it's 14th February 2009.


But anyway, yesterday was a good day, despite it being Friday the 13th. First two periods used for Total Defence day... And I learnt about the Rwanda Genocide. That's just sick, hearing about people being forced to kill their own neighbours, and whether they do so or not, they'll still get killed in the end. Don't wanna go into details.

Anyway, I delivered the council cookies - that I helped baked XD - to the people who ordered in 4A1 with Charlotte. And the rest of the day was just having fun and being in high spirits, all cheery and "love-filled".

Love is indeed in the air... And we're getting infected by it. But meh, I've already made a promise to myself I'm not going to like anyone FOR REAL this year. I've got better things to do this year than die. O Levels' are a good start.

Anyway, after that we had Drama SYF. And I gotta say, even though it's a slow process, it's a slow and sure process. It's coming along well and I'm really excited by it, even if we haven't gotten a real, individual role... Well, it's still alright to me. :D

Meh, anyway, later they'll be loads and loads of activities to do... Might as well go sleep now.

... And oh yes, changed blogskin. Woo I love it. :D

"Falling faster from the skyI sit here, lost on your bed. Unmissable look in your eye. Always torture running through my head. Takes me to where I can't go. Take my hand, and I'll lead you to safety. By now the ground is too grown. All I think about is you and me. ... We're nothing but satellites in the sky. We're nothing but satellites in the sky..."

- -8<- - - - WELCOME to the world of the PLASTIC BEACH - - - ->8- -

a DARK beach with a BLACK view ; it was 12:43 AM

"When the paralytic dreams that we all seem to keep. Drive on engines till they weep. With future pixels in factories far away."

can you hear it? it's beautiful. like angels suffocating.

"Singing songs that make you slit your wrists,
It isn't that much fun..."

!EMO in the SCENE!

M N. 5th of the April. 17. Singapore. Female. Facebook. Tumblr.

Ex-Chongfu Primary. / Ex-CHAS.
Graduated Orchid Park Secondary:
Ex-Drama. Ex-Debater. Ex-Student Councillor. Ex-1A3-ian. Once-and-forever-2A3-ian. Ex-3A1-ian. Ex-PROUD-4A1-ian.



FYI, I quote a LOT of lyrics.

NOT emo, just tends to be more depressed than I'd like.
NOT a rocker, but loves to rock out.
NOT so sure i know who i am.
SUFFERS from Dermatillomania
a passionate LOVE for the colour RED
& PROUD TO BE A freak. Are you?


1. Love myself.
2. Self-Acceptance.
3. Eradicate insecurities.
4. Not to care.
5. Work hard in school.
6. Start over.
7. Take it slow.
8. Keep promises.
9. GPA >3.8 [yr 1.2,1.1,2.2,2.1,3.2]
10. To be MISERABLE and HAPPY.

"If it's not enough, try again. And again. Over and over again."

student ORGANIZER.

[[ WaNTS && WiSHES ]]

(1) Gorillaz - Plastic Beach
(2) 30STM - This Is War
(3) New Headphones
(4) Those new JEANS
(5) A Teenage Dream


Alex. :)♥ (my bumbling idiot)

HUTTSON My poopoo DOGGIE. ♥♥♥

BANDS :: MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE. Placebo. Marilyn Manson. 30 Seconds to Mars. Avenged Sevenfold. Linkin Park. Gorillaz. The Blackout. The Academy Is... Fall Out Boy. Bullet For My Valentine. Before Their Eyes. Lady Gaga. Just to name a VERY few...

HEROES :: GERARD WAY. TDK Joker. Jared Leto. Brian Molko. Draco Malfoy. 2D. Gerard Way. ♥ XD


The conflict.
Inner conflict.
Prejudiced people.


party with the ROCKSTARS!

2A3-ians ♥ We Rock. Like Hell.
3/4A1-ians Over speed limit :D
Shoethrowers ♥ FAMILY
Apphia! :D :D :D Hee.
Azira A-zi-zi-ziraaaa! ♥ xD
Elizabeth ♥!
Elva VaVa :D
Jessica :D :D :D
Joanne ♥ XD
Joel is a legend!
Kenn Ninjaboy :D
Keng Ying CUZZIN! :D
Li Qing :DDD!
Matin! :D So cuute!
Nazry BiTCH!♥
Pearlyn So cute. :D
Rui Shuin Mah Couzin :D
Safwah rocks hardcore! :D ♥
Samuel ... Moo. :D ♥
Sarah BestFriend WALRUS ♥♥♥
Sheereen :DDD She cool yo!
Shi Wei :D:D:D So rad!
Si Ying, Tan rroooccckksss. :]
Si Ying, Yeh :D
Su Min She rocks!
Su Yuan :]


"Well you can hide a lot about yourself,
But honey, what're you gonna do?
And you can sleep in a coffin,
But the past ain't through with you."

June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
May 2010
August 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
March 2011
May 2011

standing OVATION.

Layout: x
Image: Beyrout

i am the MORBID MIND.

I'm nothing but a beautiful disaster,
Crying tears of blood and joy
Into this black void.
It's the place to be.
Ephemeral Romance.
Will you come with me?

i want to be

